Keep Yor Feet Still
Wor Geordy and Bob Johnson byeth lay i one bed
In a little lodgin hoose thatsdoon the shore
Before hed been an hour asleep a kick from Geordys fut
Made him waken up te roar i steed o snore
Keep yor feet still Geordy Hinney
Lets be happy for the neet
For Aa may nit be de happy thro the day
So give us that bit comfort keep yor feet still Geordy lad
And dinnet drive me bonny dreams away
Aa dremt thor wes dancin held an Mary Clark wes there
An Aa thowt we tript id leetly on the floor
An Aa prest hor heevin breest te mine when walsin roon the room
Thats mair than Aa dor ivver de afore
Ye knaa the lad she gans wi, they caall him Jimmy Green
Aa thowt he tried te poil us i wor fun
Buy Aa dremt Aa nailed im hevvvy an blacked the big feuls eyes
If Aad slept its hard to tell what Aa wad deun
Keep yor feet still Geordy Hinney
Lets be happy for the neet
For Aa may nit be de happy thro the day
So give us that bit comfort keep yor feet still Geordy lad
And dinnet drive me bonny dreams away
Aa thowt Aa set hor hyem that neet content we went alang
Aa kissed hor lips a hundord times or mair
An Aa wisht the road wad nivvor end se happy like was Aa
Aa cud waak a thoosand miles wi Mary there
Aa dremt Jim Green had left the toon an left hes luv te me
An Aa thowt the hoose wes fornished wi the best
An Aa dremt Aa just left the Chorch wi Mary be me side
When yor clumsy feet completely spoilt the rest
Keep yor feet still Geordy Hinney
Lets be happy for the neet
For Aa may nit be de happy thro the day
So give us that bit comfort keep yor feet still Geordy lad
And dinnet drive me bonny dreams away