Wor Nanny's A Maisor
Wor Nan an me muaid up wor minds te gan an catch th train
For te gan to th toon te bie sum clais for wor Billy an Jain
But when we gat te Rowlinsgill te mornen trane wis gone
An Thair wis ne mair te gan that way te fifteen minits te one
So aw say te wor Nan 'Its a lang way te gan'
Aw saw biv hor fuaice she was vext
But aw sais 'Nivor mind, we heh plenty a time
So we'll stop an gan in we th next'
She gav a bit of a smile, when aw spoak up an said
'There's a public-hoose alang heer
We'll gan alang there an heh worsels warmd
Ana glas a th best bitto beer'
Nan wis see stoot aw nue she cudint wauk
An she didnt seem willin te trie
Wen aw think a th truble aw had wiv her that day
If as likt aw cud brust an crie.
But ay wor Nanny's a maisor, and a maisor she'll remain
Is lang is aw liv a winnit forget th day thit we mist th trane
So away we went te th publick-hoose, an wen we gat te th dor
She sais 'We'll gan te th parlour end' for auve nivor been in befor
So in we went en teuk wor seets, an before aw rung th bell
Aw axt hor what sh was gan te drink 'Wey' sh sais 'the saim is thesel'
So aw called for two gills a th best bittor beer
She pade for thim when thae cum in
An eftor she swalyd three pairts iv hor gill
She made Bob, man, aw wid raithor heh gin
So aw called for a class a th best Holands gin
An she gobild it up th first trie
Sais aw te wor Nan 'Thoos is a good is a man'
She sais 'Bob, man, aw felt very drie'
So aw called for anuthor, an that went th suaim way
Aw sais 'That ill settle thee thorst'
She sais 'Awve had two, an aws nee better noo
Then aw was when aw swalyd th forst'
But ay wor Nanny's a maisor, and a maisor she'll remain
Is lang is aw liv a winnit forget th day thit we mist th trane
She sat an drank te she gat tite, she sais 'Man, aw feel vary queer'
'Wey' aw says 'thoos had nine glasses a gin te maw three gills a beer'
She lowsd hor hat an then hor shawl, an tost them on th flor
Aw thowt she wis gan to be rang in hor mind, so a set meesel close te th dor
She sais' Giv is order, awll sing a bit sang'
Aw sat an aw gloward at hor
Aw thowt she wis jokin, for awd nivor herd
Wor Nanny sing ony befor
She gav is a tuch a 'Th Row i th Guttor'
She pleesed ivory one thit wis thare
That wis neebody in but wor Nanny an me
An aw laft te me belly wis sair
She tried to stand up for te sing 'Th Cat Pie'
But she fell doon muiad such a clattor
She smast fower chairs an th landlord com in
An he said 'What th deuce is th matter?'
But ay wor Nanny's a maisor, and a maisor she'll remain
Is lang is aw liv a winnit forget th day thit we mist th trane
Th landlord sais 'Is this yor wife, an whare de yea belang?'
Aw sais 'It is, an shes teun a fit wi trien te sing a bit sang'
He flung his airms aroond hor waist, an traild hor across the flor
An Nan, poor sowl, like a dorty hoose cat, wis tumild ootside th dor
Thar she wis lyen, buaith groanen an crien
Te clame hor aw reely thowt shem
Aw tried for te lift hor, but aw cudint shift hor
Aw wisht aw had Nanny at yem
Th paipor man said he wid give hor a ride
So we lifted for inte th trap
She wis that tite she cudnt sit up
So we fastende hor doon wiv e strap
She cudint sit up, and she wadnt lie doon
She kickt till she broak th convains
She lost a nue baskit, hor hat, an hor shawl
That mornen, throo lassen te tranes
But ay wor Nanny's a maisor, and a maisor she'll remain
Is lang is aw liv a winnit forget th day thit we mist th trane